Subtitle: Imagination taking power

An update on progress …

A small celebratory moment to share with you all today. For anyone who has been following progress on this project for the past 2 years and has got slightly bored with hearing me talking about “my journey towards writing a book about imagination”, here is a short announcement on a significant milestone I’ve reached. The title (I think the final one) is now ‘From What Is to What If: unleashing the power of imagination to create the future we want’. Enjoy…


  1. mike grenville
    February 26, 2019

    Loving the title!

    • Rob Hopkins
      March 4, 2019

      Great! Thanks Mike… Chelsea Green are due the applause on that one…

  2. Marianne FLORIMOND
    February 26, 2019

    Great Rob! Indeed we need our imagination to invent new ways of living rather than feeling overwhelmed and waiting the potential drastic changes to occur! Let’s go on all together!

    • Rob Hopkins
      March 4, 2019

      Great… thanks so much…

  3. John Ingleby
    February 26, 2019

    Congratulations, Rob!

    Having followed many of the posts on your blog, I found myself imagining a little cameo like St George and the dragon, in which “Imagination” is slaying “TINA” – There Is No Alternative!

    • Rob Hopkins
      March 4, 2019

      That’s a delightful mental image to play with!

  4. Didier Daglinckx
    February 27, 2019

    Rob, do you plan translations in french and spanish soon after the release of the book ?

    • Rob Hopkins
      March 4, 2019

      Yes. Hopefully. It comes down to who buys the rights to publish it internationally. That’s the next stage in the process I believe…

      • Daglinckx
        March 4, 2019

        On a country by country contract or one publisher worldwide ?

        • Rob Hopkins
          March 4, 2019

          The publisher, Chelsea Green, sells the rights to publishers in different countries. They only produce the English version, and sell the rights for the rest.

  5. Kitty de Bruin
    February 28, 2019

    Congratulations Rob, and I wish that our imagination becomes true, and i agree with John there is not a plan B, let’s go for it putting this positive imagination into action

  6. Marie Line
    February 28, 2019

    Will have a french version ? :O)

    • Rob Hopkins
      March 4, 2019

      Hi Marie. See above. Yes, hopefully. I know there is interest from publishers, so fingers crossed…

  7. Karen Locke
    March 7, 2019

    Congratulations. It sounds wonderful, and very much needed. I liked your celebratory paper bits too 🙂

  8. Tam Mayor
    March 27, 2019

    Not a moment too soon! Can’t wait to read it, and act on it.

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