December 1, 2021 / Leave a comment
From What If to What Next: Episode Thirty Four
You are in for such a treat. This is one of the most thought-provoking and inspiring episodes of this podcast yet. It was my huge honour to be joined by Yumna Hussen and Lottie Cooke to discuss what a reimagined education system would be like. Honestly, spending an hour in the company of these two remarkable young people, so articulate and well informed, was just a joy.
Lottie and Yumna are part of an organisation called Pupil Power which is “committed to educating, engaging and transforming young minds around the issues impacting our experience of school”. “So”, they add, “we’re demanding an entire transformation in education”. And this conversation will inspire you that such a transformation is not only possible, and thrilling, but also long overdue.
I hope you love this episode as much as I do. And do share your thoughts, I’d love to know what you thought of it.