October 22, 2019 / 5 comments
A taste of the audiobook of ‘From What Is to What If’
The audiobook of ‘From What Is to What If’ is now available from most platforms where you get such things from, and will soon be available from them all. Creating it involved me sitting in a recording studio near Totnes for 2 days, and I have heard good things from the people who are already listening to it, including one person who told me she was listening to it in her car on the way to work. Here is a taster. If you’re an audiobook person, I hope you love it.
Alain Ruche
October 23, 2019
I have been working on this powerful question in recent years, learning that it leads to new insights that nurture a new kind of actions. The ‘what if’ consists in looking with a new pair of glasses, with another angle. This angle is the angle of complexity which does not require any understanding before acting. Theory comes from practice, not the other way.
We ARE our intention, and a multisensorial approach needs to be applied at carefully selected acupuncture points where we can experiment, make sense of what emerges, learn, correct, and act again. This way of looking from another angle, with another pair of glasses and acknowledging our feelings in a self-réflexive mode is a complexity approach.
The multisensorial and holistic character of what we do and feel implies to integrate spiritual aspects, what is lacking in your interesting post. For example, it is not a question of better managing or protecting the ‘resources’ of the Earth. Rather, to resume the broken conversation with Nature and the community.
Go onwards!
December 8, 2019
hi rob. great stuff — and well done. i have the audio book & have started it while planting trees. love that the first chapter is dedicated to play.
with so many names, references, reports & papers i was wondering if the bibliography and ( if there are any), chapter notes exist for the book that can be accessed by audiobook listeners.
my mind is afizz with ideas, playful pathways & ‘strange attractor’ collisions.
February 8, 2020
Hey there Rob, looking to buy your Audiobook. Everything is sending me to Amazon/Audible. Not too keen to support this capitalist giant. Could you point me in the direction of buying it from independent, good ethics seller. Thanks. Go good.
Rob Hopkins
February 11, 2020
Hi. Thanks. You could try https://www.kobo.com, apparently it is there too…
Rob Hopkins
February 11, 2020
Apparently there is a longer list of places you can find the audiobook at https://findaway.com/publishers/