June 22, 2020 / 1 comment
From What If to What Next: Episode Three.
Here is the next installment of my ‘From What If to What Next’ podcast (please subscribe, you’ll access podcasts 2 weeks ahead of this one and much more besides). In this third episode, we’re talking about food. Taking a question from Patreon subscriber Tony Buck, we are asking “What If towns and cities set out to intentionally relocalise their food production?” How would it work? Where would you start? How would you involve the local government? How would you ensure that it is inclusive?
To explore this complex question, one that COVID-19 has firmly re-emphasised the importance of, we have two guests with many years of experience in this area. Dee Woods describes herself as a “food and farming action-ist and campaigner” and has been involved for many years in London, playing a role in many different projects, whilst also writing and speaking widely on issues around food insecurity, inequalities in food systems, participatory policy making, intersectionality and decolonisation.
Christian Jonet is one of the founders and co-ordinators of the brilliant Ceinture Aliment-Terre Liégeoise ( Liége Food Belt) in Belgium, one of the most remarkable examples of a citizen-led re-imagining of a city’s food production.
I hope you love this episode. Please leave your comments and feedback below. My thanks to Ben Addicott for production and theme tune, and to you for subscribing to this podcast.
Wendy Freeman
June 24, 2020
Hi Rob In case you don’t know about it- I think you might have inspired this conversation I just saw: