Subtitle: Imagination taking power

February 12, 2018
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One of the most fascinating craft breweries in the UK can be found nestled in a series of arches beneath a railway bridge in Bermondsey in London. For the last 9 years, The Kernel, under the guidance of its founder Evin O’Riordan, have pioneered not just amazing and distinctive beers, but also an approach rooted in connection to place, to a different way of doing business.

February 8, 2018

John McCarthy is a journalist, writer and broadcaster who works for the BBC and has written several books.  He became a household name in the 1980s when, on his first foreign assignment in the Lebanon, he was kidnapped and held captive for just over 5 years.  This was, as he puts it, “my curious claim […]

February 5, 2018
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I can’t even imagine being bored.  Or if I’m caught out by accident, waiting in a long line at the airport, it’s a bit different.  I’m just not happy with the idea of maybe missing the flight, and I have something to do, but otherwise, I’m totally happy to be there.  I say, “Why should I be bored?” There’s nothing to be bored, so I just do some mental practice, recite some prayers, or whatever.  I wish there would be enough time to be bored!  My ideal situation is 24 hours boredom all year round. Sitting on the balcony of my hermitage, watching the Himalaya, if you call that boredom, that’s fine enough with me.

January 31, 2018

Manish Jain lives in Udaipur, Rajasthan, in North India. He works with a movement called Shikshantar, ‘The Peoples’ Institute for Rethinking Education and Development’. He has been working for the last 20 years, initiating many projects around unlearning, sustainable living, and Gift Culture. He is also co-founder of Swaraj University – India’s first university dedicated to localization. You can read more about his work here. He very kindly spent a fascinating hour chatting to me via Skype…

January 23, 2018
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Dr Larry Rosen is a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California State University. He has been a teacher for 45 years and has been studying the impact of technology for 33 years, and has written 7 books on the subject. He does a lot of research which explores the psychological impact of technology. He is co-author, with Adam Gazzaley (who we will also interview soon), of the brilliant ‘Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World’.

We talked by Skype, and I started by asking him how we would assess the initial results from the 20 year digital ‘experiment’. How are we doing? Where do we find ourselves? Fundamentally, I asked him, do you think we’ll look back and think it was all worth it?

January 22, 2018
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On Friday night I was in Bristol to see Gecko Theatre’s brilliant new production ‘The Wedding’ at the Old Vic studio. It was amazing. It now goes on tour to Watford, Nottingham, Derby, Liverpool, Doncaster, Oxford and Nuffield. It is a truly remarkable piece of physical theatre, in which all the actors speak different languages. It touches deep into questions about our relationship to power, to systems, to each other, and into what it would feel like if we were able to break loose from being “wedded” to the current paradigm. I loved it. I was also asked to write a short article for the programme, given that as the show tours, it is connecting to Transition, or other similar groups in each place it visits. Here is a short video taste of the show, and the piece I wrote. Go see it!

January 18, 2018

My friend Lara just showed me this wonderful TED talk by Theaster Gates about the power of imagination, and how, when let loose in the world, it can create remarkable things.  Do you self a favour, and put aside 17 minutes of your time.  You’ll be glad you did. 

January 17, 2018

One of the reasons I think our imaginations are in such a poor state in 2018 is that we spend so much time looking down.  Look around you. On the bus, on the train, in the street. Our eyes are locked down to our screens, our attention elsewhere.  So I want to share with me something that I find really helps. 

January 8, 2018

It’s not just that this faculty of taking hold of the world in a steady way through imagination is waning, but our whole essential status as independent individuals is changing. We’re not becoming robots but we’re becoming much more subjected to vast systems. We live out most of our waking day in some way interacting within some larger system, whether it’s economic or otherwise, and this depletes us. It makes it harder to register reality in ways that people might have done formerly. So yeah, that’s one way it manifests. We live a more distracted, interconnected and sort of shallow daily-ness.

January 4, 2018

What happens in the brain when we’re being imaginative?  Neuroscientists are moving away from the idea of what’s called ‘localisationism’ (the idea that each capacity of the brain is linked to a particular ‘area’ of the brain) towards the idea that what’s more important is to identify the networks that fire in order to enable particular activities or insights.  Alex Schlegel is a cognitive neuroscientist, which he describes as being about “trying to understand how the structure and function of the brain creates the mind and the consciousness we experience and everything that makes us human, like imagination”.

© Rob Hopkins 2017-2025